West Milford. Scout Troop 151 will pick up your used Christmas tree

| 15 Dec 2021 | 09:23

Boy Scout Troop 151 of West Milford will once again pick up your used Christmas trees.

The troop’s collection dates are Sundays, Jan. 2 and 9.

The trees are chipped and delivered to a local farm. Chipping is done by Dave Kershaw, who continues to assist the troop in many ways.

A donation of $8 is greatly appreciated. The funds help scouts with expenses for camping and other activities.

You can reserve by going to www.xmastreepickup.com, entering your information and paying through Paypal or by calling Bob Ruth at 973-853-5680 (don’t hesitate to leave a message with pick up date, address, name and phone number) or e-mail him at robert-ruth1@hotmail.com.

Make sure that your tree is at the curb the night before pickup. The scouts start early.