What you eat makes a difference

| 15 Feb 2012 | 08:36

    The focus is on healthy, wholesome foods at Walking the Weight Off, By Patricia Keller West Milford — Many people who attempt to lose weight and get healthier are looking to limit their calorie input. What they also have to focus on is what’s included in those calories and are they nutritious and wholesome for your body. John Malatras is a certified herbologist from the Harvest Moon Health and Nutrition store, located at 22 Marshall Hill Road. He has 25 years of experience in the nutrition industry. His advice for healthy living: food should be nourishing and free of artificial chemicals and pesticides or it will be no more than a delivery system for poison. He said the full extent of the damaging effect of one pesticide on the human body is not fully known, but most people are subjecting their bodies to multiple pesticides and chemicals through their diet which creates a compound effect to which the body has not yet developed evolutionary protection for detoxifying itself. On the plus side, Malatras said that whole foods and herbs can be used to amplify the detoxifying potential that the body does have. He gave an example of tumeric root, found in abundance in the Indian culture in the form of turmeric juice and curry, and said that although India has many problems with environmental pollution and poor water quality, the people don’t get sick with things such as cancer, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease as much as here in the United States. Malatras said ginger is another example of an herb that is known to amplify liver enzymes that detoxify the body. Malatras encourages people to use whole, natural foods based on the fundamental principle of “let food be your medicine” and “do no harm.” He is also a strong advocate of natural vitamins and supplements, those made only from whole foods. What to consume Cultured or fermented foods such as plain yogurt, cottage cheese, cultured soy, miso, tempeh Dark green, leafy produce such as spinach, mesclun lettuce, collard greens, parsley, swiss chard and chickory Brassica vegetables - broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbages Berries and fruits Onions, scallions, leeks, and garlic Squash, green beans, red and green peppers, avocados, cayenne peppers, carrot, tomato, celery are cancer and cardiovascular protective Whole grains Sea vegetables like kelp, dulce, and kombu Raw nuts and seeds Cold water fish such as wild salmon, sardines and Arctic cod Legumes of all types Organic olive oil, flaxseed oil and purified fish oil Culinary spices like turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary and basil offer great antioxidant protection Distilled or purified water What to eliminate Malatras said for optimum health the following should be eliminated from the diet: hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats in food, processed foods with artificial colors or dyes,artificial preservatives and flavors, white flour products, puffed snacks, deep fried foods, sugar, Aspartame and sucralose, and excessive caffeine and alcohol, among other things. How’s it going? The Messenger is following along with this free, eight-week walking and nutrition program sponsored by the West Milford Township Health Department and Chilton Memorial Hospital. How did the participants do this week? JD said she was happy to lose two pounds this week. “I’m walking more with my family and they have a hard time keeping up with me! I’ve definitely been more conscious of what I’m eating and trying to eat mostly fruits and veggies for between meal snacks.” For more information from John Malatras, go to http://harvestmoonwm.com/index.html.

    Electrolyte Drink Recipe
    Courtesy of Harvest Moon Health & Nutrition
    A healthy alternative to store bought electrolyte drinks that add artificial flavors, colors and sugar can be made by combining the following ingredients: water, organic lemon and/or lime juice, sea salt, agave nectar or honey.