I would like to thank John Aiello for having the courage to write that recent letter defending Councilmember Lou Signorino to have Libertarian beliefs. Mr. Aiello should not be surprised if he draws fire from his fellow school board members and also fellow Republicans for defending Libertarians. This writer is 58 years old and has listened to snide and insulting comments regarding y Libertarian beliefs since I was in high school. Teachers , co-workers, employers and, sorry to say, even some family members have never lost an opportunity to attack me for my consistent pro-liberty beliefs on all issues. (It is not necessary to name these people; if they are reading this, they'll know who they are!) If I had to do my life over, would I have changed my beliefs in order to be popular? Not a chance! Mr. Aiello summed up Libertarian beliefs very well in his letter, to which I would add the following: If you believe that people should be free to worship or not worship God in any non-coercive manner, you just might be a Libertarian. If you believe that you own your life and body and government has no business telling you what you may do to your life and body, you just might be a Libertarian. If you believe that you have the right to defend your life and property by any means (including gun ownership), you just might be a Libertarian. If you believe that business and industry should stand or fall based on their marketplace abilities and not get subsidies or bailouts from the government, you just might be a Libertarian. If you believe that America should have a non-interventionist foreign policy and not be involved with “entangling alliances” (as advocated by our Republic's founders), you just might be a Libertarian. If you believe the Constitution means just what it says it means and wasn't meant to be altered into something the original framers wouldn’t recognize, you just might be a Libertarian. The growing popularity of Congressman Ron Paul in his quest for the presidency shows that pro-liberty thinking is once again returning to the American political landscape. There are many fine Libertarian groups out there to work with. The Reason Foundation, Cato Institute, Future of Freedom Foundation, Campaign for Liberty, Foundation for Economic Education, The Libertarian party are some that come to mind. They all have Web sites on the internet. Don’t hesitate to contact them. You'll be meeting some of the most intelligent and dedicated folks you've ever met. Mark Richards West Milford