Proud of our West Milford kids and parents

| 16 Oct 2021 | 06:53

I am the School Security Officer for Macopin Middle School and was the Site Director for the WM Field Hockey game on Oct. 12.

I just wanted to send this to you because so many people these days are putting down our country and flag. I am so proud of what happened at our field hockey game on that day.

This was my post on Facebook:

“I’ve always been proud of how patriotic the majority of West Milford Township, N.J, is but I must say last night it almost made me tear up.

“Prior to our Senior Varsity Field Hockey game, as our National Anthem was being played, both teams, West Milford and Westwood, along with all the spectators and the young children who were just goofing around stood quietly and faced our Beloved Flag as the Anthem was being played.

“That didn’t surprise me. But in an adjacent field there was a youth football team practicing and a bunch of kids just kicking a soccer ball around along with people standing in the parking lot. They all stopped what they were doing when they heard our Anthem. They faced our Flag and at the end cheered to the top of their lungs.

“I just wish the rest of our great country had that type of patriotism.”

It would be great if the kids from both WM Field Hockey, Westwood Field Hockey and the youth kids from football and those just kicking a ball around that night when our National Anthem was played before the game could get some recognition from our WM Messenger paper.


Frank Yevchak

West Milford