VERNON-On April 16th, members of the Vernon Township Historic Preservation Commission, Boy Scout Troop 912 of Vernon, and friends gathered at the Brown Farm at Carol Drive and Rte. 517 in Vernon to uncover an era of Vernon history that has been hidden beneath the weeds, poison ivy, and litter for years. The farm, officially known as the P.J. Brown Farmstead Site in the NJ Registry of Historic Places, has a rich heritage from its beginnings as an Indian village, through the mid 1800's as a commerce center for local farmers, to its present day housing development. The group worked to cut a path through the overgrowth, uncovering parts of the original barn, which can now be seen from Rte. 517 in the shadow of the silo that has stood for more than 150 years. The group is planning another cleanup in the fall to uncover the foundation of the 12-room mansion built in 1853, and the adjacent Indian cemetery. More information about the farm in available in "Images of America: Vernon Township" or from the Vernon Township H