RINGWOOD Eight Days of Blues will be next up at the NJBG summer concert series on Friday, Aug. 10. Who knew the blues could make you feel so good! This talented six-man ensemble performs classic blues tunes with indelible style, as well as groovin' originals to ease you into a mellow summer weekend. And what better place to listen to a concert than at the garden. Great surroundings for sure. Bring your chairs or blankets but no coolers or pets. If there is rain, meet at the Carriage House. A $5 donation is requested. This concert is sponsored by Orly Steinberg of Coldwell Banker in Ringwood and Shane Force of Atlantic Home Loans. For more information about the band, go to www.eightdaysofblues.com. For more information about the New Jersey Botanical Garden, go to www.njbg.org. The garden is located at 2 Morris Road, Ringwood.