WEST MILFORD — West Milford Community Services and Recreation has tickets for Radio City's Christmas Spectacular. The date is Dec. 12, 2012. The bus will leave Hillcrest Community Center at 2 p.m.. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Return is at approximately 7:45 to 8 p.m.
The cost of the trip is $93 per person, which includes transportation. Seats are located in the Orchestra 500 section. Seats can be viewed online on Radio City Music Hall’s Web site.
Tickets go on sale Sept. 24, 2012. Space is limited and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Seats will be assigned by Community Services and Recreation. There is no guarantee individual groups will be seated together but every effort will be made to do so. No refunds will be issued.
Registration can be done online using a credit or debit card, or a check. It is secure, user friendly and efficient. Or come to the Community Services and Recreation Department office at Hillcrest Community Center, Macopin Road, to reserve your spot in person. For more information, call 973-728-2860.