For her Mom, MaryAnn n Gina's sister, Brenda J., Polly - Claire's daughter, Brenda G., Gail - Dave's sister, Barb - Karen's cousin, Elaine n Kristen's mom, Bernie's aunts, Deb's aunt and grandmother, Dot and Joy n Julieann's mom and mother-in-law, Lana's mom, Lori's mom for her daughters Olivia and Rachael, for her son Shannon's daughters and for theirs for yours Did you know that three million women are living with breast cancer n and one third don't even know it? Even more startling, breast cancer kills approximately one woman every 14 minutes, robbing families of mothers and grandmothers, sisters and aunts, cousins and best friends. No one knows what causes breast cancer or how it can be prevented and there is no known cure. Knowing this, Marivelle Davis of Andover Township, will not accept that there is nothing she can do. On Oct. 2 and 3, she will spend a weekend walking 40 miles to help eradicate breast cancer by participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer New York. The event is one of six events in a series of weekend fundraising walks taking place from May to October to help raise awareness and funds for access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer. Davis, a mother of three, is inspired in her efforts by the fact that breast cancer has touched her family and many friends. She knows that the journey she's about to take head on doesn't begin to compare with the challenges that cancer patients and their families endure. She'll think of those who have lost the battle and of those who fight fearlessly everyday and wear a pink ribbon for each one on her shirt while on the walk. Victory for her will be crossing the finish line and surpassing her fundraising goal, and she hopes the local residents will be a part of it. Davis, like everyone walking in the event, is required to raise a minimum of $1,800 to participate, but she's aiming higher, with a personal goal of $3,800. She hopes the local residents will share their goodwill towards her efforts. Funds donated to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer are managed and disbursed by the Avon Foundation, an accredited public charity, with funds awarded for breast cancer awareness, education, screening, diagnosis, treatment and scientific research. Beneficiaries range from leading cancer centers to community-based non-profit breast health programs in the vicinities of each Avon Walk event and nationwide. To help Davis reach her fundraising goal, area residents may donate online at Or by sending a check made payable to the "Avon Walk for Breast Cancer" to Mrs. Marivelle Davis, 20 Luchetti Way, Newton, NJ 07860.