WARWICK-Mother Nature performed an improvisation of her own on Saturday night with a four-hour power outage of the entire Pine Island region, forcing the rescheduling of the sold-out "Improv at the Winery," presented by The Illustrious Theatre Company at the Warwick Valley Winery. The show has been rescheduled for 8 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 13. All tickets from Oct. 30 will be honored. If that date is not good for a ticket holder, refunds will be given. Refunds can be obtained as follows: all credit sales can be credited to the account; call the winery at 845-258-4858 to request a credit. Anyone who wishes a refund and originally paid by cash or check should call ITC's main number 973-764-4936. Anyone wishing to buy tickets will be placed on a waiting list for tickets made available through refunds. Call the winery 845-258-4858 to be placed on the waiting list.