Students to get look inside comic book villains’ minds

| 09 Jan 2019 | 03:10

WEST MILFORD - Students in grades 4 – 8 are invited to join Danielle Craig on Tuesday, Feb. 26 to get a glimpse inside the minds of comic book villians.
The free event is scheduled from 4-5:30 p.m. at the West Milford Township Library & Community Center, and is limited to the first 25 students that register online at, or call (973) 728-2822.
Danielle Craig, an Adjunct Professor of Women's Studies at Ramapo College and William Paterson University, will provide attendees with an inside view into the minds of the biggest villains in comics.
Craig received a Bachelor of Arts in Literature with a double major in Women's Studies at Ramapo College of New Jersey.
She earned a Master of Science in Women's Studies from Towson University with a concentration in Women, Health, and Sexuality.
Inspired by her college courses, Danielle designed EmpoweringU, LLC. to lead empowerment programs modeled for children and teens to empower and educate them as they grow into young adults who can positively contribute to the world they live in.
For more information, visit Danielle's website
If you're a Macopin student, please ask your homeroom teacher about taking the Library Bus directly from school.
All who register will receive a free comic book, and ight refreshments will be available following the program.