VERNON - Vernon Township High School will raise the curtain on Peter Dee’s Voices from the High School at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 4 and Nov. 5. An ensemble cast of 33 students will perform scenes depicting contemporary high-school life. In addition, original music and performance pieces have been added to create a truly unique show. The new material originated as a result of Vernon’s participation in the Paper Mill Playhouse “Adopt-A-School” Project. The new material fit so well into the concept of this play, resulting in the students’ sense of ownership. Voices from the High School examines issues about present-day teen life - first love, breaking-up, substance abuse, fitting in, and the pressures of after-school activities. Cast members include Reiko Goodwin and Aaron Freed, representing young love; Mary Catherine DiMauro and Daniella Preston, as best friends sharing secrets; Jennifer LaMonica, as a talented but insecure singer; Kristina Bolduc, as the new girl in town, and Nick Wolf, as the helpful boy who won’t leave her alone. Matt Tiberi and Charissa Hom portray dance enthusiasts, and Scott Wentzell is a loner who brings rhythm to the lunchroom, leading the ensemble in an enthusiastic Cafeteria Stomp! Barri Weinstein directs. Tickets are $9; $7 for students and senior citizens.