150 works displayed in art show
HAMBURG. The Wallkill Valley Regional High School chapter of the National Art Honor Society hosts its 14th annual art show.

Students from 10 high schools and five middle schools participated in the 14th annual art show hosted by the Wallkill Valley Regional High School chapter of the National Art Honor Society on Wednesday, March 27.
The show included 150 works of art.
First-, second- and third-place winners in 10 categories received awards. Representatives of art colleges and programs chose the winners and awarded scholarships.
Middle school winners were chosen by officers of the National Art Honor Society.
Judges for the high school categories were Rachel Bihler of Peter’s Valley School of Craft, Aimee Dolich of Savannah College of Art and Design, Lexi Hackett of Montserrat College of Art, Michael Hughes of Sussex County Community College, Kirche Zeile of Ringling College of Art and photographer Paul Michael Kane.
Blick Art Materials sponsored the event by providing gift certificates to the first-place and best in show winners.
Middle School Division winners
• Best in Show ($75 gift certificate to Blick Art Materials): “Dragon’s Eye” by Alessandra DeCaldas of Lazar Middle School, Montville.
• First Place ($50 gift certificate from Blick Art Materials): “Feline Eye” by Alison Lew, Lazar.
• Second Place (tie): “Peace Around the World” by Karley Labita of Glen Meadow Middle School, Vernon, and ”Starfish” by Robert Paulter of Ogdensburg School.
• Third Place: “Very Berry Pony” by Eloise Demeter of Hardyston Middle School.
Winners of the High School Division
The Best In Show Award went to Cade Martress of High Point Regional High School in Sussex.
FIrst-place winners of the high school categories received a $50 gift certificate to Blick Art Materials and the Best in Show winner received a $75 gift certificate.
3D Media Functional
• First Place: “A Corroded End” by Martress.
• Second Place: “Pisa Vase Set” by Zora Reinle of Wallkill Valley.
• Third Place: “Evening” by Sophia Grizzuti of West Milford High School.
3D Media Sculptural
• First Place: “Floridian Sunbather” by Martress.
• Second Place: “Counting Calories” by Alexa Hitchuk of Sparta High School.
• Third Place: “In Memoriam of Lu Wen Wong” by Suelin Wong of Wallkill Valley.
Fine Crafts
• First Place: “Eclipsis Bliss” by Elise Easter of West Milford.
• Second Place: “Sunrise” by Allyson Dragone of Montville High School.
• Third Place: “Amber Wave” by Alandra Garcia of Wallkill Valley.
2D Mixed Media/Open
• First Place: “Swan Song Quadriptych” by Georgia Wheeler of Wallkill Valley.
• Second Place: “It’s a Still Life” by Samantha Krautheim of West Milford.
• Third Place: “Hexagenetic” by Marvin LiTrenta of High Point.
• First Place: “Studio Study” by Lynnessa Marrow of Sparta.
• Second Place: “Sunlit Wildings” by Nathaniel Burke of Sparta.
• Third Place: “Abandoned Echoes” by Leah Bottoms of High Point.
Digital Media/Video
• First Place: “Cat Bells Soup” by Thomas Kimball of Vernon.
• Second Place: “Home of the Cone” by Dafina Konushevci of Wallkill Valley.
• Third Place: “Out of Time” by Makenna Thomas of Vernon.
Drawing/Illustration Black & White
• First Place: “Portrait of Ava” by Ian Harris of West Milford.
• Second Place: “A Pile of People” by Kaela Brunner of High Point.
• Third Place: “A Charcoal Study” by Sahithi Varadarajula of Mount Olive.
Drawing/Illustration Color
• First Place: “Iron Clad Tabletop” by Craig Knudson of Warren Hills.
• Second Place: “Game, Set, Match” by Sara Albabili of Warren Hills.
• Third Place: “Fool’s Paradise” by Leo Nunez of Warren Hills.
• First Place: “Solace of Nightmares; Dad’s Chair” by Ava Berner of Wallkill Valley.
• Second Place: “Blue Jeans” by Marvin LiTrenta of High Point.
• Third Place: “My Insides” by Kacy Biddiscombe of Sparta.
Scholarships awarded
• A Savannah College of Art and Design summer seminar scholarship, worth $1,820, to Jacob Malave of Delaware Valley.
• A Peter’s Valley School of Craft tuition scholarship toward a workshop to Cade Martress of High Point.
• A Ringling College of Art and Design summer session full-tuition scholarship, worth $6,600, to Caleb Del Guidice of Wallkill Valley. He also was given a bachelor’s degree of fine arts scholarship to Montserrat College of Art.