Friends of Sterling Forest is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established to protect and preserve the great legacy of natural resources and historical treasures within Sterling Forest State Park.
Their events are open to the public and free of charge; donations, however, are gratefully accepted to assist us in fulfilling our mission.
Advance registration is mandatory for all programs. Call the park at 845-351-5907 to register.
All events will be held at the Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Visitor Center in Tuesday unless otherwise noted.
Sunday, March 12, 1 p.m.
Lecture: Sterling Mountain Railroad. Sterling Mountain Railroad operated from 1865 to 1923, carrying ore from Lakeville, at the foot of Sterling Lake, to Sterlington Station, at Sterling Junction, just south of present-day Sloatsburg. Join historian Doc Bayne as he traces the history of this integral part of the iron industry at Sterling.
Sunday, March 26, 1 p.m.
Lecture: How iron was made. Do you know what a blast furnace is? Do you know what a bloomery is? Do you know what a forge is?
Doc Bayne will do a PowerPoint presentation on the making of iron from colonial times to the present day.
The trails within Sterling Forest can be steep and rocky, so please wear sturdy hiking shoes. F.S.F hikes will include stops along the way to interpret natural and historic features.
Hunting is allowed in portions of Sterling Forest State Park, so wearing hunter orange or bright colors other than white during the hunting season is recommended.
For more information, email friendsofsterlingforest@gmail.com.