Jessica Morrissey weds Justin Wright

| 08 Oct 2012 | 09:57

— Wayne and Diane Morrissey of West Milford announce the marriage of their daughter, Jessica Mary, to Justin William Wright, the son of Dawn Wright of Greenwood Lake, N.Y. and Chirstos Liopiris of Newark.
The couple were married on Sept. 14, 2012, at Black Bear Country Club in Franklin. The reception immediately followed.
Maids of honor were Amanda Morrissey and Kristen Reading; bridesmaids were Amee Wolff, Lisa Liopiris, Lisa Iozia, Sara Dolan and Audrey Wright.
Best man was Chuck Jennings; groomsmen were Kurt Wright, Michael Morin, Sean Breslin, Jonathan Fuentes, Tim Clarke and PJ Ostrowski. Junior groomsman was Kurt Wright III.
The groom is currently employed by Hayden Waterproofing, Roofing and Restoration. The bride is currently employed by Liva Eye Center.
After honeymooning in Antigua, the couple will reside in Greenwood Lake, N.Y.