Robert S. Ruth, a local young man who just graduated from the Tandon School of Engineering at NYU would like to thank the DPW recycling center for its valued assistance with his Senior Engineering Showcase.
Coordinator of Recycling and Solid Waste David Stires, was contacted by Robert in April with a request for cathode ray tube televisions for use in his showcase.
Stires personally took time to meet with Robert and assured him that he could borrow a number of CRT televisions from the recycling center as long as he returned them when he was finished.
Ruth borrowed them and had a successful Engineering Showcase late in May.
He attached wires to the CRT electron guns to produce visual waves through the use of a moog synthesizer and various musical instruments.
Viewers were able to interact with his showcase through various metal components that, when touched, changed the wave presentations on the CRT's.
The televisions were returned to the recycling center after the showcase which was a resounding success.
Ruth graduated the week after his showcase.