Kiwanis support early education in Ghana

| 30 Sep 2011 | 08:29

Sparta — The Kiwanis Club of Sparta recently made a $2,000 contribution to Titagya Schools of Ghana. Titagya Schools, co-founded by former Sparta resident Andrew Garza, focuses on creating early education opportunities for preschool aged children in and around Dalun, Ghana. Garza did a college internship program in Dalun and while there sought development opportunities in Northern Ghana. He found recent local studies which showed that the lack of effective early education had a negative impact on school performance in later grades and that a $1 investment in early education could yield $17 in social benefits to a community. That resulted in the impetus for his work with a local partner to start the school in Dalun. Late last year, Phil Giles of Sparta Kiwanis read articles in the local papers, including the Sparta Independent, about Garza’s efforts and reached out to him to find out more about his mission and see what the club could do in support. Because of Garza’s link to Sparta, the club’s members saw this as a locally focused project which also matched the international mission of Kiwanis to “change the world, one child and one community at time.” That is when Kevin Duffy, president-elect, made arrangements with Burke’s Liquors in Sparta to run a wine pairings event on behalf of Titagya Schools. That event received a very favorable community response, with a portion of the proceeds being donated back to Kiwanis by Burke’s. In accepting the gift, Garza said, “This contribution is very important for the continued growth and expansion of the school in Dalun. We are in the process of building computer facilities and have plans for expanded classrooms. This gift from the Kiwanis is extremely helpful in helping us provide the kind of education that these children need.” Sparta Kiwanis meet every Thursday with a dinner meeting at the Lafayette House. Meetings start at 7 p.m. New members are always welcome. For more information visit