POMPTON PLAINS For those who are looking to add a dose of laughter to their lives, Chilton Memorial Hospital's New Vitality program will sponsor a program entitled "Lighten Up, They Who Laugh, Last!" on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 1:30 p.m. The program will be presented by Paul McGhee, PhD, president of The Laughter Remedy. The fee is $5 per person and the program will be held in the auditorium at the YM-YWHA of North Jersey, 1 Pike Drive in Wayne. McGhee is internationally known for his own humor research, and has published over 50 scientific articles and 13 books on humor. According to the web site, www.laughterremedy.com, the physical health benefits of laughter can range from a stronger immune system to improved cardiovascular health, reduced stress hormones, reduced pain, and muscle relaxation. Mental health benefits can include less stress, reduced anger and anxiety, increased joy, a more positive, optimistic mood, a sense of control, and increased emotional intelligence. "Lighten Up, They Who Laugh, Last!" is offered by the hospital's New Vitality program, which provides those 50 and older with health screenings, support groups, health-oriented lectures, free magazines, and courses on exercise, nutrition, legal issues, health, travel, and culture. To register for this New Vitality program or for more information, call 973-831-5367.