WEST MILFORD-To a small child, a gold star can mean a day's achievement in kindergarten. To a senior girl scout, getting the gold is much more - reaching the highest level in the Girl Scouts after years of effort and individual achievement. Three local girls have reached that particular pinnacle of accomplishment. Honore Anglesea, Shannan Fitzgerald, and Jolene Florio, have their gold. Their pursuit of the gold could be likened to individual journeys up ladders with many rungs. At the top, they shared in a joint project at the Marshall Hill School's playground. The trio of Senior Girl Scouts from Troop 497 laid out and painted a map of the United States of America at the school They also painted safety signs and crosswalk markings in the town, as well as teaching children about safety issues. For her Senior Challenge Award Anglesea worked with a Brownie troop in her service unit. Along with her troop she researched careers in theatre and made arrangements to see "Rent"' on Broadway. In addition to her Gold award Honore earned the GS Silver award and Marian Medal. She currently works at Clearview Cinemas; lifeguards in the summer and has taken part in both dancing and swimming programs. Honore hope to attend college and major in elementary education. Florio assisted a Junior Girl Scout troop with its activities, and provided instruction on obtaining their safely awards for her Senior Leadership Award. She attended career day at her high school and a college fair to qualify for her career exploration pin. For the Senior Challenge project, Florio and Fitzgerald participated monthly at local Knights of Columbus Breakfasts. Florio also volunteers at a local nursing home, helping the elderly by doing their nails and reading to them. Prior to the Gold award, Florio earned the GS Silver award and the Marian Medal. Fitzgerald and Florio plan to participate in a scout trip to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in 2005. Florio is on a summer and winter swim team, teaches five and six-year olds how to swim, and is in the process of getting her certification in a WSI (swimming instructor course) at William Paterson College. Florio was also chosen to appear on the ABC Family reality series "Switched." Florio plans on attending college and majoring in computer-designed animation and visual effects. Fitzgerald assisted a Junior Girl Scout troop with activities including earning the Safety Award. For her Career Exploration pin, she developed her own resume, and used it to apply and obtain a job as a soccer referee. As a Cadette Girl Scout she earned her Silver Award. The end of the year will mark her 10th year as a scout. Shannan is planning on participating in a scout trip to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in July 2005. Fitzgerald has fond memories of spending rime with her little sister's troop. She is a member of her schools German Club and German National Honor Society. She plans on attending college where she will study physical therapy and business administration. She hopes to have her own sports medicine practice after college. As the highest honor in Girl Scouting, the Gold symbolizes special commitment in the areas of leadership, community service, career planning, and personal development. A Girl Scout Gold Award project is an extension and a combination of all that been learned in previous scouting work. The first four requirements help to develop skills, practice leadership, explore career possibilities, and discover more about oneself. All of this is put into action when each scout's special project is designed and carried out. Every step of the way, each brings into the picture a special contribution of time and talent.