Blue is a beautiful young Husky. He is very affectionate and loving with lots of energy. Being a typical young Husky, he sometimes can't resist the urge to take off after something outside that has caught his attention. This is something he and his new family will have to work on. Blue is a bit smaller than the average Husky but he makes up for it with personality. He is just one of the many dogs, cats and kittens that are available at the West Milford Animal Shelter. The West Milford Animal Shelter is a 100 percent volunteer facility and depends on fund raising to help support the approximately 1,000 animals that are cared for at the shelter annually. Their next upcoming fund raiser is their annual Walk-A-Dog-Athon scheduled for October 16, 2005 (rain date Oct. 23). The grand prize is $500. There will also be a free agility course, contests and a free bandanna and goodie bag for every dog. For information and a registration form visit or call 973-728-2859.