Warwick In recognition of the nationwide celebration of Emergency Nurse Week, St. Anthony Community Hospital in Warwick will acknowledge those health care professionals who go the extra mile under stressful and intense situations to offer compassion, understanding and expertise in times of crisis. Recent events in Louisiana and Texas have once again emphasized the importance of emergency medical personnel as front line providers of disaster aid. According to the Emergency Nurses Association, emergency nurses act with compassion and respect for human dignity and the uniqueness of individuals they are treating. They maintain competence within and accountability for emergency nursing practice. The nurses act to protect the individual when health care and safety are threatened, they exercise sound judgment in responsibility, delegating and seeking consultation. Emergency nurses respect individual’s rights to privacy and they work to improve public health and secure access to health care for all. The emergency nurses at St. Anthony Community Hospital provide care to all age groups with any clinical problem. They are prepared to treat both major and minor injuries, and all medical emergencies.