WEST MILFORD-"You've come a long way baby" was once the slogan in a woman's cigarette commercial, but for four-month old Samuel Charles Alexander Packbier, it's merely a description of how far he travelled to be Christened. He's from Brisbane, Australia, received the sacrament without a whimper during a baptismal ceremony at St. Joseph Church here, Dec. 26, performed by Rev. Sigmund Peplowski, temporary administrator of the church. He was brought to the church by his parents, Peter David Bruza and Yvonne Packbier-Bruza and accompanied by his big brother, three- year-old David. He was dressed in a traditional Christening gown, covered by a blanket crafted from the train of his mother's wedding gown. The Bruzas were in West Milford visiting the baby's maternal grandparents, Mary Ann and Matt Packbier. The Bruza family was to depart this week for their 36-hour return trip home.