WEST MILFORD Sometimes owners and their pets can look eerily alike. There are even contest to find the owners and pets who look the most alike. Well, a cat at the West Milford Animal Shelter has them all beat! He looks like Batman. His name is Bud but his secret identity name is Budman. This Budman needs a friend, a sidekick and a home.
Bud's owners moved and left him behind. A kind neighbor took pity on him but he could not bring another cat into his house. So, he took Bud to his farm to be a barn cat. But Bud had other ideas. He kept leaving the farm and going back to his former home. This happened so many times, that the neighbor knew Bud was never going to be happy being a barn cat. He brought Bud to the shelter to give him the opportunity to find a new home.
Bud not only looks like a superhero but he also has the qualities of one. He is friendly, kind and obviously, very loyal. His special talent is his ability to make a deep and lasting commitment - a super love.
Bud is neutered, up-to-date with all inoculations and medical needs. The fee to adopt this super love is $35. For more information call 973-728-2859, visit www.westmilfordanimalshelter.org or come meet Bud at the shelter on Lycosky Drive (behind recycling).