Exhibit highlights reactions to concerts
WEST MILFORD. A $3,700 grant to the Friends of the West Milford Township Library required artwork, photographs or written statements from audience participants.

Audience-created artwork that reflects impressions from summer concerts is on display this month at the West Milford Public Library.
The Friends of the West Milford Township Library hosted six free concerts during the summer at the Wallisch Homestead, although two were canceled because of rain.
The group also hosted four indoor concerts during the year.
“A unique feature of the concerts was that audience members of all ages and abilities were invited to share their reactions to the performances through drawings, photographs or writing,” said Carol Heinz, president of the Friends group.
“The audiences and performing groups have been invited to the exhibit along with the community at large. The idea is to increase engagement between audiences and performers and to attract the community at large to visit their library and learn more about its resources.”
The exhibit is in the library’s second-floor gallery.
The Friends group applied for a grant from the Passaic County Cultural & Heritage Council, with funding from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, to support the concert series on behalf of the library.
A grant of $3,700 was approved, with a component being artwork, photographs or written statements from audience participants.
“The artwork on exhibit shows how the music made audience participants feel - a true expression on their part,” Heinz said. “We were thrilled at the success of the concert series and by the submitted artworks. We urge the West Milford community to stop by the library to take in the exhibit this month.
“We are grateful for the generous support of our community, the library itself, the Passaic County Cultural & Heritage Council, the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, the Wallisch Homestead, WM77-TV and the Township of West Milford.”
Annual book sale
In addition to its concert series, the Friends group runs an annual book sale, holds other fundraising events, sponsors informative lectures, and supports youth and adult reading programs throughout the year.
These activities help the library acquire equipment and licenses that enhance the its presence in West Milford as an educational, cultural and technological resource.
“I am forever grateful to the Friends of the West Milford Township Library for all that they do to help our library grow,” said Karyn Gost, the library director. “We would not be able to provide such amazing opportunities and resources for our community without their support and dedication.
“Purchasing computers, scanners, educational databases and wireless hotspots; co-sponsoring the library’s Museum Pass Program, piano concerts and library programs; and the tireless work they put into the book sale every year - all just a snapshot of the enormity of what the Friends do for us.”
Currently, there are 101 members of the Friends group.
“We welcome new members throughout the year and are now having a recruiting drive to attract new members,” Heinz said. “We welcome singles, families, businesses or organizations who wish to become members to actively participate in the ongoing enhancement of the library collections and services.”
She added, “As a former librarian, I understand the value a library affords a community. It’s more than a building with books. A library has a variety of services, educational programs and beneficial opportunities for children, parents and people of all ages.”
Information about the Friends of West Milford Township Library, a nonprofit organization, is available at the library and online at friendswmtl.org