Flags for Heroes project under way
WEST MILFORD. Flags will be placed at Bubbling Springs from Nov. 4 through 27.

The West Milford Rotary Club has launched its annual Flags for Heroes campaign.
Flags will be placed at Bubbling Springs from Nov. 4 through 27.
For a $50 contribution, residents may have an American flag with a personal placard included in the display.
Go online to https://www.westmilfordrotary.org/flags-for-heroes to make a donation.
All contributions go to West Milford community charities and non-profits advancing the Rotary Club’s mission to support local community causes and needs.
Among the Rotary Club’s recent contributions are more than $5,000 in student scholarships, support of the West Milford YMCA Outdoor Education Center on Germantown Road, and contributions to the Friends of Wallisch Homestead, local fire companies and food banks.
The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through its fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.
The West Milford Rotary Club is composed of local community leaders dedicated to the advancement of community causes.
If you are interested in learning more or joining the Rotary Club, please be a guest at the weekly luncheon at 12:15 p.m. Tuesdays at Jimmy Geez North, 3219 Paterson Hamburg Turnpike, Oak Ridge.
For information, go online to https://www.westmilfordrotary.org/