WEST MILFORD - The West Milford Board of Education had to table several agenda items at its Tuesday night meeting Regular due to four trustees being absent.
Two of the five Trustees present said they needed to abstain from voting on certain items to avoid a potential conflict of interest.
School Board members Steven Drew, Nicole Fritz, Ray Guarino, and Debbie O'Brien were reported to be unable to attend the meeting due to illness.
The remaining five members present, William Cytowicz, Teresa Dwyer, David Ofshinsky, Kate Romeo, and Board President Lynda Van Dyk, constituted a quorum, and were able to discuss and vote on the majority of agenda items, however, resolutions for the transfer of funds, payroll, and salary guides had to be tabled.
Resolutions Tabled were numbers 4, 7 and 8 under Operations and Finance, which involve:
The transfer of $404,003 in proceeds remaining from a completed capital project to be applied to the debt service fund of the district;
Affirmation and approval of transfers for the period ending February 26, 2019 on the financial records of the Board affecting the 2018-2019 budget in the amount of $452,944.84; and
The approval of the Payroll of January 31, 2019 and February 15, 2019 in the amount of $4,318,711.08;
Resolution 1 under Negotiations:
To ratify the Memorandum of Agreement and salary guides with the West Milford Principals and Supervisors Association for the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021.
These resolutions require a minimum of five votes (majority of the full school board) for approval.
Romeo and Van Dyk said they must recuse themselves from voting on these items due to potential familial/work conflicts.
The next school board meeting is the district’s Preliminary Budget Hearing, which is scheduled for March 12.