WAYNE On March 11, 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster shocked the world and caused people to question the use of nuclear power to provide energy. PBS TV aired a documentary on Fukushima, with the narrator describing nuclear experts all around the world being troubled by this event and asking, How could this happen in Japan, a country so well known for its technological and engineering brilliance? Nearly all of Japans 54 nuclear plants have been shut down due to the serious concern of its people.
One year later, a nuclear free, 19-day peace walk from Oyster Creek to Indian Point to Vermont Yankee has been initiated by the Peace Pagoda of Grafton, N.Y. It began on March 2 and runs through March 21. A group ofJapanese Buddhists, Fukushima eye-witnesses, and U.S. citizens will walk over 200 miles to bring awareness of the risks nuclear power poses to human beings, property, and all life on Earth. The walk is led by nun Jun Yasuda and is coming to our neighborhood in northern New Jersey.
The Lakeland Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of 231 Parish Drive, Wayne, is hosting a pot luck, an informational speaker and music on Friday, March 9 at 6p.m. The LUUF will also provide a place for those walking to sleep for the night. Residents are invited to attend the pot luck and information session.