WEST MILFORD When you think of someone with a tough-guy reputation, who comes to mind? An actor? Celebrity? Maybe someone like James Dean, Clint Eastwood. Or Luke the Cat. Luke the Cat? You may be wondering how this can be. He is not a celebrity, but one of the many cats at the West Milford Animal Shelter waiting for a chance to shake his bad reputation. Luke has been at the shelter since April of this year. He is six years old, up-to-date with inoculations and has been tested for HIV/Feline Leukemia. While his health record is clean, he has earned a reputation for being something of a tough guy. Luke is a big cat with a big personality. He is friendly and playful, and can be very affectionate. But sometimes when he gets too excited he can get a bit carried away. Luke was placed in the cattery, where the cats are free roaming, to quell some of his cage crazies. He was very happy out there, but didnt miss too many opportunities to let the other cats know he was The Boss. Problem was, there already was a boss in the cattery. So rather than risk continuing fights for power, Luke was brought back inside and placed in a larger cage. Sadly, he now spends most of his days sleeping; his outgoing and fun-loving nature does not have much of an outlet in a cage. Its always tricky to label a cat as being one way or another at the shelter, because when cats are adopted and moved to a new environment, they can change. A nurturing and loving home where the animal feels safe can change a nervous and shy cat into a relaxed, happy cat. With Luke, the volunteers suspect that once he is in a good home as an only cat and has nothing left to prove, he will experience an attitude adjustment and settle in nicely. Living in a shelter can be very stressful, whether being in a cage for long periods of time or living in a cattery with more than a dozen other cats. There is a lot of hustle and bustle going on every day, and some cats and dogs don't adjust easily. Many cats do not enjoy being picked up. Its not unusual. Sometimes Luke doesnt mind it, but when he does mind, he will be sure to let you know. But he does love attention. Luke loves to be petted and loves belly rubs. He can be very affectionate. He is also very playful, and he definitely has a lot of character. Luke would be a fun cat to have around the house. Luke can be yours for our adoption fee of $35. All he needs is someone to believe in him and give him a chance to be the good boy we know he can be. For more information on Luke or any of the other homeless animals at the shelter, call 973-728-2859, or visit www.westmilfordanimalshelter.org, The cats at the shelter even have their own facebook page: facebook.com/TheRealCatsAtWMASS The shelter is in need of donations of Purina Cat Chow dry cat food and any brand of canned pate-style cat food. A donation box is located at the exit door of the supermarkets in the center of town or donations can be dropped off at the shelter.