Enthusiastic hunters who have been looking forward to New Jersey bear hunting season opening before this year is over can forget about it. Governor Phil Murphy announced recently there will be no 2021 black bear hunt in New Jersey.
That announcement from the governor was heard after the New Jersey Fish and Game Council unanimously approved an emergency order to reestablish the hunting in the state at least for October.
Without the governor’s approval and an affirmative nod from Environmental Commissioner Shawn LaTourette the emergency order is dead,
Speaking at a press briefing a day after the state Fish and Game gave approval for a hunt, Murphy’s comments were heard.
“There will be no bear hunt this year, period,” Murphy said. “The state is committed to non-lethal, humane but smart and safe means to control the (bear) population.”
A statement from the state Department of Environmental Protection reported that the NJDEP is enhancing and expanding non-lethal management methods with $1.5 million allotted for this purpose in the state budget. The methods include hiring more conservation officers for bear management.