On your mark, get set ...
WEST MILFORD. Cub Scouts make, then race model cars at Pinewood Derby.

West Milford Cub Scout Pack 159 turned the gym at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in Hewitt into a raceway for the annual Pinewood Derby on Sunday, Jan. 12.
Some 30 members proudly displayed and raced their handmade colorful model cars in groups of three each down the custom aluminum ramp while parents, siblings friends and Cub Scout leaders watched.
Awards were presented for first-, second- and third-place finishers as well as for the most creative and most colorful cars.
“All the Cub Scouts are winners for their outstanding work and effort in building their cars and competing in the derby,” said Bob Becker, Pack 159 Cubmaster.
“From pinewood blocks, the Scouts with help of parents create, paint and decorate their cars with maximum five-ounce weight and polish axles for speed. The winner of each den advances to the district’s race.”
Becker said the troop has held a Pinewood Derby for more than 10 years.
“Each year is exciting and great fun for the Scouts and everyone. It’s a memorable and rewarding experience. Helping at the event are Boy Scouts from Troop 159 who once raced their pinewood cars and now support the event in a variety of ways. The Cub Scouts look up to the Boy Scouts as models and mentors.”
This year, parents were permitted to take part in pinewood car races for adults.
Joe Bozzetti, whose son Dillon is a Cub Scout, was among the parent racers.
“Dillon was excited to race his new car, which he build from a block of wood purchased from the Boy Scout store. For him, blue wheels were a must.
“I repurposed his old car into a cyber-truck for my race. Now we’re here, ready to race!”