One last beach party before school starts

| 06 Sep 2012 | 01:15

— With just one week left of summer vacation, Macopin Middle School students got to enjoy one last beach party at Bubbling Springs last week. Sponsored by the township's Department of Community Services and Recreation and CASA, the incoming seventh and eighth graders got to swim and dance the night away.
Activity in the lake was limited since it was a cool evening, but kids played other games during the night, including tossing a football.
And while the summer seemed to have gone by fast for most of the beach goers, many were looking forward to the upcoming school year.
Jacalynne Wyatt and Allison Reid are good friends who spent much of the summer together at the beach. The 13-year-olds are both heading into the eighth grade at Macopin. Allison said she's happy to be going back to school.
"I've heard the teachers are nice," she said. She's also looking forward to her workshop elective class.
Jacalynne, too, is looking forward to school, especially her second year of Spanish class.
"I'm excited for school, to get to see all my friends again," she said.
It was a great night for the kids, one last hurrah before they hit the books and get down to business.