WEST MILFORD - Who likes it spicy?
Perhaps your recipe calls for some "Pepper."
This saucy and sweet stunner is 7-years-young and is ready to add just the right flavor to your life.
Pepper is good with other cats and with children,
Shelter staff say Pepper is "an awesome kitty and quite handsome - all black and sleek, with gorgeous yellow eyes."
What you can't see in this picture is that Pepper is a big boy with long legs.
He's ready to leave the adoption room at the shelter, stretch those legs, and have a nice big space of his own in which to play and explore.
Consider spicing up your home by adding some extra "Pepper."
For more information about Pepper and the other Real Cats of the West Milford Animal Shelter, please visit its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/therealcatsatwmass.
The shelter is located on Lycosky Drive (behind recycling), (973) 728-2859.