S2L: Living life to the fullest

| 19 Mar 2015 | 02:00

It’s more than a sports apparel company – it’s a philosophy. Greg Muniz, the owner of Sentenced2Life, or S2L, wants to change your attitude. He wants you to look at how you are living your life, and maybe do some fine tuning.

Muniz was caught up in the grind, spending 8 to 9 hours a day on the job and another four hours commuting. He has worked a variety of jobs; heating and air conditioning and high-end renovations, he’s been a power supply company manager and a stockbroker.

Now, with his Oakland-based company, he’s stepping away from the practice of ‘living for work’ and starting a lifestyle revolution - and he hopes others will join in with him.

Muniz, 48, has lived in West Milford his entire life. He was an active kid, into independent sports. He graduated from West Milford High School in 1985 and today he has set up his own home in the township with his wife Lorrie and their 11-year-old son.

His viewpointApparently Muniz has put considerable thought into his philosophy of ‘life is too short.’ One catalyst was his father’s death just a few years before his retirement.

“My father was always looking forward to retiring; he had plans of what he wanted to do. He never made it. That helped to solidify in my mind that you should do things in life before it’s too late,” he said.

Muniz firmly believes that there is, or should be, more to life than day to day existence and while he sells sporting apparel and sponsors sporting events, it’s not all about sports.

“It’s not about any single thing, it’s whatever motivates you, whatever makes you happy. If you are happy, you have a better attitude, you tend to help others,” he said.

According to Muniz the average person has a ‘life sentence’ of approximately 79 years – and the meter is running. He urges people to look at the big picture, to do something meaningful, whatever that may be to each individual, and make a difference before you shuffle off this mortal coil.

Why wear the logoS2L sells sports clothing on-line: tee shirts, shorts, arm sleeves, tank tops, baseball caps, hats, head wraps, performance apparel and more. Wearing a Yankee shirt shows your team affiliation, but wearing the S2L logo expresses the idea that you are a fan of your own existence, that you are committed to experiencing all that life has to offer. Perhaps clothes do make the man.

“We are trying to inspire people. When you put on the hat or shirt, hopefully you’ll take a minute to think about what you are going to do that day and work toward some goal or dream,” Muniz said.

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands

The S2L web site has lots of exercise and sporting advice but also contains some proven suggestions that can help you find your happiness and propel you toward overcoming whatever challenges you may have to conquer.

A good night’s sleep or a power nap, for example, has been shown to increase optimism, memory and energy. Eating healthy foods and getting some sunshine improves health and overall happiness.

Hold open a door for someone, make a donation, check up on an elderly neighbor – simple acts of kindness make you feel more positive.

Current eventsBeside the clothing line, S2L also sponsors athletes and events, some charitable and some to help pay the rent and keep the S2L momentum going.

“Some people need an event to keep them motivated, to help them work toward a specific goal,” Muniz said.

To that end, S2L has sponsored New Year’s Day hikes and have on their upcoming agenda the first annual ‘Remembrance Run’ on April 12 at the former Jungle Habitat tract and the ‘Race Through the Jungle’ in October.

Join the revolutionGetting a real feel for S2L is made easy by visiting their web site; browse through their shop, read their inspiring comments, watch a few videos.

In the meantime, whether you are an athlete, a fisherman, a bird watcher or a museum goer, consider Muniz’s philosophy and get the most out of the life you are blessed to be living.