School board grants early tenure to business administrator

| 17 May 2012 | 02:36

WEST MILFORD — The West Milford Board of Education granted early tenure to Business Administrator Barbara Francisco last week after 19 months in the position. Typically, tenure is given after three years and one day of service.

The board shortened the period of time, according to the resolution, after determining "it is in the best interest of the students and taxpayers of the West Milford Township Public School District."

The board discussed the resolution in executive session and then voted to approve it. Trustee Matt Conlon recused himself from the vote, while Trustee Jim Foody was the sole no vote on the motion.

The board is authorized to shorten the period of time required for tenure based on state statute.

Job well done Francisco said she was told by board President Dave Richards that the reason for the motion was that the board felt she was doing a good job in the position. They were very happy with her work and wanted to reinforce it and reward her for it.

Francisco has led the district through two budget votes that were approved by the public. She was instrumental in seeking out and finding significant savings on services such as insurance and healthcare costs for the district, which helped provide the funds to make technology upgrades and new programs for students such as the full-day kindergarten program possible.

The budget approval by the public last month restored formerly cut programs such as Basic Skills, restored job positions including school counselors, and added more staff for new and existing programs, as well as health and safety upgrades. Francisco even managed to keep the budget under the state mandated 2 percent tax levy cap.

“I’m excited and glad that they are happy with my performance," said Francisco. "I work hard at being good at what I do and I enjoy working for West Milford. And I’m happy that this happened. I look forward to working here for a very long time.”

With the hiring of a new superintendent this week after a lengthy search, the move served to provide Francisco with job security in the face of administrative changes in the board Central Office.

Francisco is now afforded the same rights as a tenured teacher.

Staff contracts renewed The school board approved the reappointment of employment contracts for tenured and non-tenured unaffiliated administrative personnel, certificated administrative and supervisory personnel, tenured and non-tenured certified teaching personnel and tenured and non-tenured special education certified teaching personnel through June 30, 2013 as per the Board of Education/West Milford Education Association agreement.

The Board approved the following reappointments of staff:

Unaffiliated administrative personnel and support staff, special education class aides personnel, tenured and non-tenured unaffiliated board office unit personnel, tenured and non-tenured secretarial/clerical/building aide personnel, cafeteria kitchen workers, cafeteria aides personnel, special use vehicle drivers, custodial/messenger/maintenance and transportation mechanics personnel, a long-term substitute resource center teacher in Upper Greenwood Lake School, school bus/van/special use vehicle driver substitutes, and custodian substitutes.

The contracts are effective July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013.

A reappointment for certificated administrative and supervisory personnel was discussed in executive session and not approved by the board for reappointment.