WEST MILFORD While Spike sounds like a good name for a dog, this Spike is one of the cats at the West Milford Animal Shelter cattery.Spike is one and a half years old and has been with at the sheltersince last November.
When he first came tothe shelter,he was very scared. One of the shelters volunteers, Lisa CP, took a special liking to him and when she firsttried to pet him during her weekly visit he shrank away to the back of his cage. That went on for about three weeks, and then finally one day he let her scratch his head!
Since that moment, they have been the best of friends. Two weeks later, Spike was put in the cattery ( a cage free environment for the cats), and he really fit right in! The first time Lisa saw him out there, he came right over to say Hey! youaretheonewhoscratchesmeonthehead! and now no trip to the shelter is complete for Lisa without stopping to see Spike.
Spike is a medium-sized grey tuxedo cat. He is very handsome and loves to be scratched and petted. He gets along very well with the other cats, and can often be found on one of the upper shelves, sleeping, in a corner with two or three of them. Spike has never been mean to any of the cats in the cattery.Recentlya new cat, Virginia,was movedinto the cattery, and while some of the other cats greeted her with a suspicious hiss here and there, Spike just looked on curiously and she finally settled on a shelf near him.
When you first meet Spike, give him a little time to get to know you. Scratching his head will be a big help in winning him over. Spike is one of the friendliest, most non judgmental cats in the cattery. If you have other cats and would like to add one more, Spike would be a great choice.
Spike is neutered, has been tested for FIV/Feline Leukemia, and up-to-date with all inoculations and medical needs. The adoption fee to bring this gentle and loving cat into your life and home is $35.
Stop by the shelter to visit with Spike. It is located on Lycosky Drive behind the Recycle Center. For more information, call 973-728-2859.