WEST MILFORD On Sunday, March 4, Living Word Church will be hosting A Journey to the Potters House presented by Michael Ferris. This is an illustrated parable that will bring you face to face with God in a way that will forever change the way you understand His working in your life, according to Ferris.
The message of the potter is a message of hope, love, and redemption that captures the hearts of young and old alike, Ferris says.
Ferris is an ordained minister and an adjunct professor at The Alliance Theological Seminary and The Alliance Graduate School of Counseling located in Rockland County, N.Y., where he teaches counseling at the masters level. He also maintains a private consulting practice working with individuals, couples and families and providing pulpit supply and ancillary services for a variety of churches.
As an educator, consultant, speaker, and trainer, Ferris weaves the lessons learned through his own brokenness and that of his clients, and shares how the potter uses pressure and pain to transform us, the clay, into vessels of honor. As you watch the potter working with the clay, you will feel your faith inspired and your hope renewed.
Ferris lives in Connecticut with his wife and four children.
Journey to the Potter's House is a 70-minute illustrated sermon. Ferris will present his sermon at both the 9 and 11 a.m. service at Living Word Church, 93 Lakeshore Drive in the Upper Greenwood Lake section of Hewitt. Refreshments will be offered at 10:30 a.m. between the two services, and babysitting will be provided. For more information, call the church office: 973-749-6621 or visit www.ajourneytothepottershouse.com.