Take Five with Alex Bogart

| 03 May 2012 | 02:09

This week we Take Five with Alex Bogart, a senior at West Milford High School in the thick of the baseball season. Alex likes many other sports but the diamond is his favorite place to be. And he has good taste in role models. Be sure to go on our Web site, westmilfordmessenger.com, to see our bonus five with Alex.

1) How did you get involved with baseball?

My parents got me into sports when I was really little. I've played baseball, basketball, and wrestled. Baseball was just the one I loved the most.

2) Who is your biggest inspiration?

Derek Jeter because he is from around here and shows where hard work can get you no matter where you come from

3) What would most people be surprised to know about baseball?

It has been said that baseball is the hardest sport to just pick up and learn.

4) What does being a Highlander mean to you?

It means putting on a uniform and representing our school the way it should be represented.

5) Share something no one knows about you.

I used to have a goat for a pet.

A goat? Very original and interesting. Sure would help with the mowing. Do you know someone who should be featured here at Take Five? Let us know! Email us at njoffice@strausnews.com. Send us your nominee's name and email address. We want to feature all the terrific kids in West Milford. And we will see you back here again for our next Take Five.

Bonus Five 6) Who is your favorite teacher of all time and why?

Mr. Van Wingerden because he is a great guy and loves what he does.

7) Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island.

Laptop, food, and lots of matches to make fires.

8) Share a favorite moment with your team.

Every game we win is a favorite moment.

9) What do you do with your time when you are not playing baseball?

When I am not playing baseball I like to hang out with friends and doing whatever sounds fun at the moment.

10) What is your favorite movie/book/character and why?

My favorite movie is "Law Abiding Citizen" because each part is surprising. You could never guess what is going to happen next.