This week we Take Five with Becky Evans, a fourth-grader at Paradise Knoll Elementary School. Becky loves baton twirling and is a member of the West Milford Cavaliers, a group of twirlers sponsored by the Police Athletic League that combines twirling with dance and gymnastics. Becky doesn't plan to make a career of it though. She's got her sights on healing people. Be sure to go to our Web site,, for our bonus five with Becky.
1) Who is your biggest inspiration?
Bethany Hamilton. (Bethany Meilani Hamilton is an American professional surfer who survived a shark attack but lost her left arm. She overcame the injury, returned to professional surfing, and wrote an autobiography called Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board.)
2) What would most people be surprised to know about twirling?
A lot of people think that baton twirling is done with your fingers, but most of the tricks are done with your wrists.
3) Share a favorite moment with your team/club/group.
When we were all in the West Milford Memorial Day Parade
4) What are your long term goals?
Long term goals with twirling - to become an instructor. Long term goals with life - to become a good pediatrician .
5) Share something no one knows about you.
I would like to be a famous actress.
Bonus Five
6) How did you get involved with baton twirling?
The school sent home a flyer with an ad for the West Milford Cavaliers, sponsored by the PAL.
7) Describe your support system.
My instructor, Miss Kimberly, my family, my teammates and the West Milford PAL
8) Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island.
Life preserver, a boat and a picture of my family
9) What do you do with your time when you are not involved with twirling?
Swim, hang out, play with my iPod, watch t.v. and spend time with my new niece
10) What is your favorite movie and why?
Ice Age Continental Drift Off because it is very funny.