Take Five with Brandon Walsh

| 02 Oct 2012 | 12:48

This week we Take Five with Brandon Walsh, a senior this year at West Milford high School. Brandon is a long-time gymnast who appreciates the great physical shape gymnastics provides him. He also appreciates honesty in people and, being honest himself, has no secrets. Be sure to go onto our Web site, westmilfordmessenger.com, for our bonus five with Brandon.

1) How did you get involved in gymnastics?
I was basically born into a family of gymnasts. My mother was a gymnastics coach, so I practically grew up in the gym.
2) Who is your biggest inspiration?
My inspiration isn't really a 'who' but more of a 'what.' It's knowing that if I continue to do gymnastics, I'll stay in top physical shape, and will be able to do what only a handful of others can.
3) What would most people be surprised to know about gymnastics?
I think most people find it surprising that, in New Jersey, men aren't allowed to compete on a high-school level in the sport of gymnastics. A while back, I guess there weren't enough coaches, and since the sport wasn't a huge money-maker, like football is, the state decided to do away with the sport entirely.
4) Who is your favorite teacher of all time and why?
Mr. Matthews, my second grade teacher, is without a doubt my favorite teacher of all time. He ran an after-school gym program, which everybody thought was the coolest thing. There was also the fact that he was huge on recycling, and would give us a full pack of gum for each bag of aluminum cans we brought in. However, the greatest part about him was definitely his honesty. He once told me that everyone has to finish their work in a certain amount of time, and I had the nerve to ask him why. He then proceeded to admit that he didn't have a real answer for me. Now, these might seem like trivial details, but to second grade students, these things were the difference between a good teacher and a great teacher.
5) What does being a Highlander mean to you?
To me, being a Highlander not only means having pride in my school, but having pride in my home town. By having pride in where I come from, I am also able to have pride in myself and others.

You are a terrific representative of West Milford, Brandon! Do you know someone who should be featured here at Take Five? We want to showcase all of the terrific young people in West Milford. Email us at nyoffice@strausnews.com and tell us who and why.

Bonus Five
6) Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island.
The three things I would bring with me to a deserted island are as follows: 1) a rope, 2) a knife, 3) a kindling box. I believe these three items will provide the necessary uses to optimize my life expectancy on that island.
7) Share a favorite moment with your team.
My favorite moment on the gymnastics team happened on my very first day, about two weeks before starting my freshman year. The whole team lined up at corners of the floor to make tumbling passes, and I don't think anybody expected anything special from me. When Coach Rembrandt saw that I could string together back-handsprings better than most of the team, she shouted out, "We need to get this kid in a leo!", meaning the uniform of a female gymnast. I chuckled to myself, and got back onto the speechless line.
8) What do you do with your time when you are not doing gymnastics?
When I'm not doing gymnastics, I find myself doing a wide range of other activities, whether it's visiting my grandparents or playing video games with my friends like any other teenager.
9) What is your favorite movie, book or character and why?
If I had to pick, I'd say that my favorite character is the Green Lantern. I admit fully to being a nerd for this, but there is something fascinating about using the power of will to create and do anything.
10) Share something no one knows about you.
I wish there was something for me to put in this section, but, in truth, I don't have an answer.