This week we Take Five with Jackie Leddy, a senior at West Milford High School who is on the gymnastics team. Jackie has been doing gymnastics for most of her life and she just loves it, along with her teammates. She has a special place in her heart for her mom, her fourth grade teacher and Spongebob. Be sure to go to our Web site,, to read our bonus five with Jackie.
1) How did you get involved with gymnastics?
I got involved with gymnastics at a very young age, probably around six years old. My mom had signed me up for it and I loved it ever since and never stopped.
2) Who is your biggest inspiration?
There are so many inspirations to me but my biggest inspiration would probably be my mother because she is always there for me and looking out for what's best for me.
3) What would most people be surprised to know about gymnastics?
I think what would surprise most people about gymnastics is how difficult it is to get a good score on bars. Bars is the most difficult event and there are a lot of requirements in order to get a good bar score.
4) What does being a Highlander mean to you?
Being a highlander means, to me, getting involved with the high school as much as possible and being proud to be a part if it. We should all make the most of our years here because they go by fast.
5) What is your favorite movie, book or character and why?
It might sound childish but my favorite character is definitely Spongebob because he is so carefree and that show can just put me in a good mood at any time.
Everyone appreciates a good Spongebob episode, Jackie, parents as well as kids. Stay carefree and good luck to you for the rest of the gymnastics season. Do you know someone who should be featured here at Take Five? Drop us an email at and tell us who and why. We want to feature all the terrific kids of the township. Be sure to come back next week for our next Take Five.
Bonus Five
6) Who is your favorite teacher of all time and why?
My favorite teacher of all time was my fourth grade teacher from Marshall Hill School because she was good at making sure everyone got equal attention from her and we also could talk about things other than school-related things with each other.
7) Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island.
I would bring a boat, water, and food with me if I were on a deserted island.
8) Share a favorite moment with your group/club/team.
I have so many amazing moments I've had with my team together but one of my favorites would probably be winning leagues just because it made our team come together and it made me proud to be a part of this team.
9) What do you do with your time when you are not doing gymnastics?
I like to spend time with friends and family when I am not doing my activity. I love going down the shore and just doing anything with others to have a good time. I like when things aren't planned out as much because everything seems more exciting that way.
10) Share something no one knows about you.
Something no one knows about me is that I really wish I could draw well. I feel like that would be so amazing to express myself by drawing all kinds of things and I could decorate my room with my own artwork.