Take Five with Maura Dunlop

| 23 Oct 2012 | 04:58

This week we Take Five with Maura Dunlop, a senior field hockey player. Maura has some good role models and appreciates what they have given in her life. She's a romantic too. Be sure to go online at westmilfordmessenger.com for our bonus five with Maura.

1) How did you get involved with field hockey?

In eighth grade, I was curious about what sport I wanted to play in high school, and at that time my eighth grade history teacher was the freshman coach. I had heard her talk about field hockey so I asked her and I tried it, and now I love it, and she is now the varsity coach.

2) Who is your biggest inspiration?

My mom is my biggest inspiration. I have always looked up to her, and she has done such a great job raising us. She has always supported her kids and cheers us on in everything we do. She also is a teacher, and I want to become a teacher when I grow up, so she has inspired me to do so.

3) Who is your favorite teacher of all time and why?

I have two favorite teachers, Mrs. Beringer, my fourth grade teacher, and Mrs. Duffy, my sixth grade teacher. Everyday I would want to go to their class and learn more. Their creative activities helped me stay focused and I established skills from their teaching. Mrs. Beringer would have a holiday play where we spoke about our heritage, and I always found that so cool. And Mrs. Duffy made science a fun class to be in.

4) What is your favorite movie, book or character and why?

My favorite movie is Pretty Woman. It's a romantic and cute movie to watch.

5) Share something no one knows about you.

I've been to Ireland in the summer after eighth grade. It was an experience I'll never forget.

Do you know someone who should be featured here at Take Five? Let us know! Email us who and why at njoffice@strausnews.com. We want to feature all of the terrific kids in the township.

Bonus Five

6) What would most people be surprised to know about field hockey?

This year we have new practices where each grade level runs the practice, and our coaches play with us. Its pretty cool and fun!

7) Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island.

I would bring a boat to get off the island, and water and food to keep me okay until I get home.

8) Share a favorite moment with your team.

One of my favorite moments was when we won counties, it was so exciting to have such an amazing season. And then we went on to win group sectionals, and that was an awesome experience to have with the whole team.

9) What does being a Highlander mean to you?

Being a highlander means having school spirit and representing the school in a positive way with sports and with any other activities that you do.

10) What do you do with your time when you are not playing field hockey?

I hang out with my family and friends anytime that I can.