This week we Take Five with Megan Chiovaro, a West Milford 10th grader who is a chairperson for Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society fundraiser that takes place in communities around the country in June. Here in West Milford, volunteers walk the high school track throughout a 24-hour period, bringing hope and awareness to those suffering through cancer. Be sure to go on our Web site., to read our bonus five with Megan.
1. How did you get involved with Relay for Life?
I got involved with Relay For Life two years ago when my friend invited me to be on her team. Many of my family members have had cancer, so I joined right away. The next year I started my own team, The Warriors. We raised over $3,000 for our first year and are trying to double that this season. Last year I also joined the committee that organizes the event. This is my second year as Activities/ Entertainment Chair.
2. Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is my dad. He has worked really hard to get where he is now, and has always been there for me. He pushes me to do my best in softball and field hockey, but like he says, grades always come first.
3. What would most people be surprised to know about Relay for Life?
One thing that many people dont know is that the actual event of Relay For Life is not a sad day to remember those we have lost to cancer. It is more like a huge celebration, with music, games, contests and more, for all the lives we are saving.
4. Share a favorite moment with your group/club/team.
Last Relay, at about three in the morning, my whole team was walking out on the track together. We looked back on all the time and hard work we put in throughout the spring and how we earned our Bronze team level.
5. What is your favorite movie/book/character and why?
My favorite TV character is Abby from the series NCIS. She is very intelligent and different from any other forensic scientist. But I most admire her because she is not afraid to dress how she wants, act how she wants, and just be herself.
Good luck at the Relay this year, Megan. It's a wonderful cause and you are doing a great job. Do you know a young person who should be featured here at Take Five? Drop us a line at Tell us who and why. We want to feature all of the wonderful kids in our community.
Bonus Five 6. Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island.
If I was on a deserted island I would bring lots of food, clothes, and some of my close friends, cause who knows how long we will be stuck there.
7. What does being a Highlander mean to you?
To me, being a Highlander means always doing whats right and helping those in need.
8. What do you do with your time when you are not doing planning for the Relay?
When I am not planning for the next Relay, you can usually find me playing softball, playing field hockey, skiing, or horseback riding. I am also very into drawing and painting when I have free time.
9. Who is your favorite teacher of all time and why?
My favorite teacher would be my current Chemistry honors teacher, Mr. Jacklin. He is a great teacher but is not afraid to joke around. When my grades started slipping and I considered going into an easier class, he inspired me to continue with his class and challenge myself.
10. Share something no one knows about you.
One thing that no one really knows about me is that I have my own snowmobile and have had my license to ride since I turned 12. My Dad and I have always spent numerous weekends every winter in upstate New York and snowmobiled day after day.