Take Five with Patrick VanDuyne

| 04 Apr 2012 | 11:46

This week we Take Five with Patrick VanDuyne, a junior at West Milford High School who is part of the wrestling team. In addition to wrestling, Patrick has an affinity for all that is Star Wars and roller coasters. Be sure to go to our Web site, westmilfordmessenger.com for our bonus five with Patrick.

1) How did you get involved with wrestling?

I became involved in Wrestling when I was in 5th Grade. I started in the West Milford Junior Wrestling Program where I wrestled for 4 years before starting high school Wrestling

2) Who is your favorite teacher of all time and why?

My favorite teacher of all time would have to be Mr. Andruli from the Macopin Middle School. He was a very down to earth teacher who always joked with us students to make us feel like we were not only students but friends too.

3) What does being a Highlander mean to you?

Being a Highlander to me means representing the town of West Milford in the best way you can. Whether it be performing well at a game or event or just showing respect to other towns during a meet, respect is at the top of the list.

4) What is your favorite movie/book/character and why?

My favorite movies are Star Wars movies. The greatest movies of all time. My favorite book would be the Lord of the Rings. The world that J.R.R. Tolkien makes for the Lord of the Rings is so in depth that I feel I can't know everything. It's like a whole new world with its own history. My favorite character would be Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. No one can match up against one of the greatest heros of all time in the greatest of all movies.

5) Share something no one knows about you.

No one knows that I have never been to Six Flags before. I always wanted to go there because I love roller coasters but I never seem to find the time to go.

You've got to get to Six Flags, Patrick. Make it a priority this summer, okay? Do you know someone who should be featured here at Take Five? Drop us an email at njoffice@strausnews.com and tell us who and why. Be sure to include their email address. We'll see you again next week for another Take Five.

Bonus Five 6) Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration for wrestling is my entire team. My coach and my teammates inspire me to keep wrestling. I never want to let them down so I do my best to contribute to the program.

7) What would most people be surprised to know about you?

Most people would be surprised to know that I love to make and edit my own films. I love editing videos to put in special effects in order to give my video diversity.

8) Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island.

Three things that I would bring if I was on a deserted island would be cell phone (to call for help), food, and a video game to pass the time until I'm rescued. I definitely would not want to stay there.

9) Share a favorite moment with your team.

One moment that I enjoyed with my wrestling team is when we went to Ramapo High School and beat them in a game of dodgeball at the end of practice. Dodgeball is such a fun game.

10) What do you do with your time when you are not wrestling?

When I'm not engaged in sports, I pass my time by either playing video games, making a video, hanging out with my friends and family, or just watching a movie.