Township budget hearings set

| 11 Apr 2012 | 07:07

WEST MILFORD — The township council has set its tentative schedule for the 2012 budget hearings. Each will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the town hall meeting room and is open to the public.

April 16 - Recreation Department

April 19 - Public Safety April 23 - Engineering and DPW

April 25 - All other departments

The council decided to return to the full council review after a committee format in 2011. Last year, the council broke into two committees of three and each reviewed different departmental budgets within the township. The public was not included. However, the 2011 tax rate stayed the same as the previous year. Although that format did not win over many in the public, the council did tow the line on taxes.

This year, the council decided to go back to the format where the entire council, including the mayor, would be present as will the public and press.

The council will begin working on the current year's budget Monday as they work to stay within the two percent tax levy cap that is in effect throughout the state.