West Milford. Free children’s desks

| 21 Dec 2020 | 12:24

Here’s the back story from Roberta Schmidt, Bill Schmidt’s wife:

It was a desperation move to keep him busy during this pandemic.

Bill is a semi-retired general contractor and by the fall decided that it was not wise to bring his subcontractors and others into someone’s home so he has stopped taking work until things look better.

At this same time, I retired from my work which left the two of us at home for the first time since we were married. Thank heavens for church volunteer work that kept me busy at the Community Food Pantry at the West Milford Presbyterian Church.

After seeing the incredible amount of people in need (probably double of what we saw last year), I remembered seeing a piece on TV about communities making school desks for kids who had no personal space of their own and no quiet for their virtual learning. Children were sitting at the table together, on the couch, on their bed, wherever they could find a spot.

It hit me that we have many similar issues in our community and so I looked up information on building the desks and proposed it to my husband.

He loved the idea and headed for Home Depot to pick up sheets of plywood, 2 x 4’s, lots of nails, stain and paint.

I am his “assistant” and do some of the painting and staining.

He has made 24 so far, 20 of which have already been designated.

He is thoroughly enjoying the project and each batch gets a little more fine-tuned. He happens to be an excellent carpenter with the right tools so it is a fun and purposeful project.

Plus, between my food pantry work and his desks, we keep plenty busy during these difficult times. It’s just as much a benefit to do something worthwhile – a feel-good plus.