WARWICK-Mix together one part family fun, one part fundraiser, and three parts Frodo, and you have a great day of movie mania. The Warwick Leo Club, a youth service organization that is sponsored by the Warwick Lions Club, is sponsoring a Lord of the Rings movie marathon, which will show all three Lord of the Rings movies back to back. This event will take place on Saturday, Aug. 28, at the Warwick Valley Community Center, located on 11 Hamilton Ave. in the Village. The audience will enjoy the full movie experience with the community center's 19-foot movie screen and surround sound system. There will be a suggested donation of $4 per movie or $10 for all three. The Leo Club will contribute all proceeds to the Warwick Valley Community Center, which houses many great programs and groups including the Small Fry Preschool, various workshops, and provides space for community organizations. The Lord of the Rings movie schedule is as follows: 11:30 a.m. Fellowship of the Ring 2:45 p.m. The Two Towers 6:00 p,m, Return of the King There will be a 15-minute intermission between each movie. During these times people can enjoy pizza for $2 and a bake sale that will take place all day. Also before each movie, tickets will be sold for the next movie to newly arriving spectators. Moviegoers may bring pillows and blankets though there is also seating available. Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Children 10 andold