PATERSON-On Monday, one of the two teenaged boys accused of raping a local high school student pled guilty to kidnapping, sexual assault, and two counts of aggravated sexual assault. The two 17-year-old boys were charged after a 15-year-old girl reported they had agreed to give her a ride home but instead drove her to a secluded wooded area and raped her. The incident, which happened on Dec. 15, was reported to the police on Dec. 28. One of the boys went before family court in Paterson on Monday and pled guilty in exchange for a four year sentence to be served at a juvenile correctional center. The other boy will have to appear in criminal court, as he will be tried as an adult. Despite the fact that the teen who pled guilty did so in family court, he will be subject to Megan's Law for the rest of his life. The other boy could be sentenced to up to 25 years in prison if found guilty.