Recreation Dept. has summer programs available

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:13

    WEST MILFORD-West Milford Parks & Recreation will again be sponsoring a Summer Arts in West Milford program this summer. This program will be directed by Doug Heyburn, choral teacher at West Milford High School and director of the high school spring musical. His co-director will be Maria Calabrese Heyburn, choreographer of the WMHS spring musical and a former cast member of five Broadway shows. All courses will be held in the high school auditorium and the high school music theory room. Five courses are being offered. All courses are two weeks in length and will run Monday to Friday, beginning July 12 through July 23. Pop Show Choir: For seventh through twelfth-graders. Program will meet from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This course is for those who enjoy singing and dancing on stage, with microphones and sound systems, to popular songs from the radio and Broadway. Students will get a sense of what it is like to be a pop star performing on stage. Participants will also discuss how to choose appropriate audition material. The cost is $140 per student. Musical Theater and Dance: This course is for seventh through twelfth-graders graders and will meet from 1:30-3 p.m. Students will enjoy a New York City-style dance class. They will start with a warm-up followed by center work. Students will finish by learning and polishing a Broadway-style routine. This is good opportunity for students to keep up with techniques over the summer or just have a good time dancing. Some previous dance training is required. The cost is $140 per student. Acting/Drama will include theater games, improvisation and scene work. The students will work independently and in groups. Grades 4-6 will meet from 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Grades 7 to 12 will meet from 9 n11 a.m. Beginner Piano: This class can benefit anyone looking to learn how to read music and play easy songs. Students will learn chords, scales and fingerings, as well as familiar songs. They will work at their own pace and ability. There will be one keyboard per student. Grades 6-12 will meet from 9-10:30 a.m. Guitar: Students will be taught basic chords on guitar and learn songs from today's current hits. Each student will be able to play several songs by the conclusion of the two-week course. Students must provide their own guitar. Grades 7 to 12 will meet from 9-10:30 a.m. Registration forms are available at the Parks & Recreation Office, located in Hillcrest Community Center on Macopin Road in West Milford. For additional information call the Recreation office at 973-728-2860.