Twenty-four members of the West Milford Police, Fire and EMS departments completed a class that qualified them to become members of the Search and Rescue Team. The team operates under the Office of Emergency Management and is directed by Search Coordinator Paul Reilly. The 40 hour class teaches general responsibilities of a rescuer, basic skills, abilities and use of equipment needed by those assigned to field operations during a search and rescue mission. The class also provides the student with practical exercises and a mission where the students are required to have the proper equipment and stay out in the field during day and night time operations. The course content includes topics in the major areas of survival and support. In addition, the course addressed fitness, basic survival clothing and personnel protection, emergency survival skills, environmental hazards and survival first aid, land navigation and orienteering, search and rescue capabilities, search philosophy, search tactics and search skills, handling evidence, search and rescue crew responsibilities, tracking skills, rope and rescue equipment and legal aspects for searchers