RINGWOOD-Ringwood Garden Club presented a fascinating slide show on the gardens of China at the opening meeting of the club year. Ruth Hayden, master gardener of Passaic County, visited classical gardens in China under the sponsorship of William Paterson University. Hayden explained that gardens and parks in China are artistic expressions. The Chinese believe that gardens bring man into harmony with nature. Architecture, walls, trees, potted plants, flowers, stones and water are combined artistically to present a balanced experience which provides a peaceful setting where one can meditate and enjoy beauty. At the October meeting, a workshop will be conducted by Janice Ramsay, Chairman of Holiday Open House at Skylands. Members will be taught various skills in preparing ornaments for the Open House. The Ringwood Garden Club usually meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Carriage House at the New Jersey Botanical Garden.