Field house dedicated to Greg Bailey during Sept. 27 ceremony
West Milford. Greg Bailey, the longest serving member of the Board of Education, had a new field house dedicated in his honor at McCormack Field on Sept. 27.
| 03 Oct 2019 | 12:13

Greg Bailey and his family stand in front of the new field house bearing his name at McCormack Field during a Sept. 27 ceremony. (
The new buildiong at McCormack Field, is named "Greg Bailey Field House, Home of the Highlanders" in honor of the longest serving trustee in the history of the West Milford Board of Education.
According to the unanimously approved August 2019 school board resolution, this will be "an enduring tribute to Greg Bailey’s love for the West Milford Highlanders and his relentless dedication to all those who will use this facility for years to come."